Frequently Asked Questions 21 – 24
21. How soon after I submit my entry will I receive the electronic confirmation notice?
You should receive the confirmation notice immediately, including a confirmation number that you must record and keep. However, the unpredictable nature of the Internet can result in delays. You can hit the “Submit” button as many times as is necessary until a complete application is received and the confirmation notice sent. However, once you receive a confirmation notice, do not resubmit your information.
22. How do I know if I am selected?
You must use your confirmation number to access the Entrant Status Check available on the E-DV website at starting May 1, 2014 through at least September 2015. Entrant Status Check is the sole means by which you will be notified if you are selected, provided further instructions on your visa application, and notified of your immigrant visa interview appointment date and time. The only authorized Department of State website for official online entry in the Diversity Visa Program and Entrant Status Check is
The Department of State will NOT contact you to tell you that you have been selected (see FAQ #23).
23. How will I know if I am not selected? Will I be notified?
You may check the status of your DV-2015 entry through the Entrant Status Check on the E-DV website at starting May 1, 2014, until at least June 30, 2015. Keep your confirmation number until at least September 30, 2015. (Status information for the previous year’s DV program, DV-2014, is available online from May 1, 2013, through June 30, 2014.) If your entry is not selected, you will not receive any additional instructions.
24. What if I lose my confirmation number?
You must have your confirmation number to access Entrant Status Check. A tool is now available in Entrant Status Check (ESC) on the eDV website that will allow you to retrieve your confirmation number via the email address you registered with by entering certain personal information to confirm your identity.
U.S. Embassies and Consulates and the Kentucky Consular Center are unable to check your selection status for you or provide your confirmation number to you directly (other than through the ESC retrieval tool). The Department of State is NOT able to provide a list of those selected to continue the visa process.